The REACT Center has the experience and ability to support HSEEP-compliant exercise development and execution needs of civilian responders, the NGB CBRNE Enterprise, and other DOD assets. Due to our premier training venue and the ability to leverage the facilities and assets of Volk Field CRTC and Fort McCoy, we have the physical assets to provide a venue for exercises of almost any scale.

Our staff has worked with many of the DoD CBRNE assets in the nation, facilitating exercise planning, execution, and evaluation. Our civilian training and exercise program allows us to provide civilian team interaction on either a notional or, with enough lead time, actual physical presence.

The exercises can be based on natural or manmade disasters and can follow the events outlined in the National Planning Scenarios. We can coordinate multi-unit, multi-disciplinary drills so that units such as CERFP, CST, and local response assets can work together to make actual responses more effective.

Training days can also be built into larger exercises, with training content subject to the request of the units. External Evaluation prep and observer/controller services are available.